We’ve put together this list of workshops offered at the Nonprofit Learning Lab available this month to make sure you don’t miss a thing! To register and find out more about each workshop, click the workshop titles of your choice to head to the workshop page for more details. Our memberships provide discounts to all our paid trainings, and many other benefits. Learn more about our memberships here. Not seeing a topic you'd be interested in learning more about? Let us know via email at info@nonprofitlearninglab.org.
How to Build Out Your Planned Giving Program – March 1, 2022
Does your nonprofit have a planned giving program, or does your current planned giving strategy need to be refined? This workshop discusses the essential elements to raise additional funds through legacy gifts and strategies on how to segment your data to find the perfect planned giving donor, how to market legacy gifts to your current donors and how to integrate planned giving options into donor conversations.
Using Data to Tell Your Organization's Story – March 1, 2022
Is your organization using data to tell its story and is it capturing the right data? Do you even know where to begin? In this webinar, strategic planning and grant writing consultant Sarah Keister Armstrong shares tips to help your organization effectively use data to tell its story and develop a framework for capturing, understanding, and communicating about data.
Launching a legacy program is essential to building out your planned giving program. Legacy programs are a strategy to promote planned giving and to show donors that your nonprofit accepts planned gifts. Through a legacy program, you can steward donors and potentially find unanticipated planned gifts. This workshop will cover the strategies for how to build and strengthen your legacy society to market and retain more planned gifts for your organization.
Program Planning & Scaling: How to Build, Scale & Manage Programs to Reach Your Goals – March 8, 2022 and March 15, 2022
This two-day workshop will explore methods and strategies to brainstorm and create ideas for the purpose of program development, scalability, sustainability, and expansion. Additionally, this workshop will discuss the three important elements in program expansion and scaling. Attendees will leave the workshop with actionable steps to follow in scaling their programs.
Using Advocacy to Grow your Influence as a Nonprofit – March 9, 2022
During this interactive and fun session, you’ll learn the best practices in nonprofit advocacy to advance your organization’s goals, engage your donors, and ensure your organization is not left out of the conversation.
In this webinar, we will review techniques for calling your mid to major gift calls, what to say when you don't know what to say to your donor and how to use donor phone calls as a stewardship and cultivation technique. With this webinar, you will feel more comfortable making your donor calls and achieve your fundraising goals.
We'll dive into understanding what corporate sponsors want and expect, two key components for ensuring a healthy working relationship with your corporate sponsor. Take an hour out of your day for this webinar to learn the best tips, tricks, and practices to score your next corporate sponsorship.
Logic Models and Theories of Change are true traditional program evaluation frameworks. But because they’re often created at the request by funders, they're rarely useful in the day-to-day real world of nonprofit management. Take your data collection and storytelling to the next level by learning how to combine and streamline these tools into something you can use in evaluating your impact, strategic planning, and more!
How to Train, Engage & Retain Virtual & On-Site Volunteers – March 14, 2022
During this hour session, you will learn how to manage and virtually recruit, interview and train new volunteers. With everything virtual, you will also walk away with some best practices to engage volunteers as you manage their projects virtually.
How to Craft Messages Your Donors Will Invest In – March 15, 2022
What keeps donors engaged with our mission is how we identify and communicate new ideas and innovations for our organizations. That all starts inside our organizations with our ability to generate new donor-centric messages, identify the best ones, and integrate them into our fundraising. After this workshop, you will make you walk away with a new perspective on innovation and sound messaging principles to be implemented in their fundraising communications for deeper engagement.
Becoming More Donor-Centric: Steps to Improve Donor Relations – March 21, 2022
Being donor-centric doesn’t mean donors need to influence your work or your mission. As an expert in your mission, it’s difficult to remember what it was like to be outside of your organization. In this workshop, we will cover the 6 stages of engagement and how to use them to bring your team together to deliver a holistic and intentional donor experience.
Train the Trainers Workshop: Virtual Edition – March 21, 23 and 25, 2022
This 3-part series training is perfect for trainers looking for new, more effective approaches to adult learning and for for-profit or nonprofit professionals that lead trainings, workshops, programs, orientations, meetings, and retreats who are looking to improve their facilitation and training skills.
Lapsed Donors: How to Bring Them Back & Re-Engage – March 22, 2022
In this workshop, we will discuss ways you can reconnect and re-engage with donors that are no longer supporting your organization or nonprofit. Join us for this session as we explore strategies to create a donor retention plan and fundraising strategies for your organization.
Fundraising with Financials: Use Key Metrics to Amplify Efforts – March 24, 2022
This webinar will discuss what funders expect to see and include more financial metrics that funders may be impressed to see. Attendees will expect to walk away from this conversation with a better understanding of what they should know to have a more informed conversation with a prospective funder and how to amplify their grant applications.
How to Create a Case Statement for Funding Support: Templates & Methods to Develop a Case Statement – March 24, 2022
Join us for this workshop to review the core components of a case statement using a template provided and get started writing, updating, or revising your organization's case statement. We will explore finding grants that align with your organization's mission and programs as well as the different databases you can use to find grants and how you can also utilize your board members to help you build relationships with foundations.
Send Better Emails: Fundraise, Engage & Grow Your Email List – March 28, 2022
This workshop will explore how nonprofit professionals can improve the way they use email to engage their community and fundraise for their cause. It will also explore best practices in the use of email including subject line testing, call to action, improving open rates, and list management. We'll also discuss digital email platforms and the impact the Apple iOS Mail Privacy Protection has on email service providers like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and others.
Smooth Staff Transitions: Leadership Planning & Onboarding to Secure your Organization's Future – March 28, 2022
Transitions create disruption whether it is the role of a development director, executive director, program, or communications staff. Your organization needs to be prepared for smooth staff transitions and onboarding, whether it is the role of a development director, executive director, program or communications staff. In this workshop, we will dive deep into the processes from creating systems to knowing what employees do in their day-to-day tasks to building your own leadership pipeline and a successful onboarding process for new employees.
In this hour-long training, we will review common issues that arise and offer step-by-step solutions to mitigate these issues. Volunteer issues covered in the workshop will include social media policies, interpersonal conflicts among volunteers and with staff, alignment of volunteer expectations, volunteer engagement, and volunteer retention.
Create, Revise & Implement A Fundraising Plan: Action Steps & Strategies for Staff, Volunteers & Board Members – March 29, 2022
Fundraising can be hard for a small team as it requires people and resources. In reflecting upon the challenges of 2020 and 2021, fundraising can be even daunting for a small development team. In this interactive one hour workshop, we will discuss strategies and action steps to build upon and implement a fundraising plan and create a team of supporters including board members, fundraising committees, community leaders, volunteers or interns.
10 Tricks and Hacks to Step Up Your Instagram – March 31, 2022
Instagram is a massive platform with over half a billion daily active users! While it might be simple at first glance, there are loads of opportunities and little-known capabilities hiding in plain (or sometimes not so plain!) site. We'll cover these, along with some free third-party tools you can use to step up your Instagram game.
Are you interested in organic, candid storytelling? Does your organization crave pointers on how to capture a special moment instead of creating it? In this workshop Lauren, an Emmy award-winning storyteller with more than a decade of experience shares real-life stories of fundraising using video storytelling. Sign up for this webinar and learn how to utilize video in order to cultivate more impactful moments.