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Anti-racism and equity resources

Image by Tim Mossholder

Resources For Your Nonprofit

As nonprofit leaders, it is important to engage in deep dialogue, learning and conversation. The nonprofits you lead are often expected to rapidly respond to community needs during times of injustice, pandemics, public health uncertainty, systemic racism, food insecurity, natural disasters and policy shifts. When gathered together, we had conversations at our Nonprofit Labs about how our nonprofits intersected with these issues when it came to fundraising, communications, social media, board development, leadership, human resources and organizational management. When the​ ​world​ ​and ​our​ ​local​ ​community ​seem like they are constantly shifting, your community looks to you. The question that we often ask at our Nonprofit Labs  is: What are you doing to create change in your community? Well, that question is even more important today.  

We have curated a list of helpful resources on diversity, equity and inclusion and are always adding more. The world is constantly shifting and we want to provide resources that support equity and inclusion. As events happen, we update our resources. Would you like us to list your resources as well? Submit your resources below. 

Great Websites, Workbooks, Readings & Reading Lists to Browse Focused on Equity

Empowering Women
Connect with your city or state YWCA an organization dedicated to eliminating racism and empowering women 


Stop AAPI Hate

Dismantling Racism


Where can I buy books from black owned bookstores?

Check out a list of black owned bookstores from Afrotech or African American Literature Book Club.

PhilanthropyNetwork's DEI Resource Hub| Learn more here

Conversations about Race

Anti-Racism in Academia

Online LGBTQ+ Resources | Link

Building an Inclusive Workplace

A Nonprofit Guide to Human Resources Management | Learn more here

A Guide for Women in Tech| Link to Article

5 Hiring Pitfalls To Avoid—If You Want Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Leadership, Vincent Robinson | Link to Article

Use Progressive Stack During Your Meetings | Learn more here and here

The Denver Foundation, Denver Colorado | A Guide to Antiracism

Society for Human Resources Management | Try These Strategies to Reduce Implicit Bias in Your Workplace

6 Questions to Stop Asking Your Black Friends and Colleagues Right Now | Link to Article

Society for Human Resources Management | How well do you know ADA Compliance

Learning to Speak Up for Equity in the Workplace | Link to Article

A Guide for Minorities in STEM: Increasing Workplace Diversity| Link to Article

Inclusive Recruitment: 9 Practices + Infographic | Link to Article

Effective Planning for Diversity Talent Acquisition
Link to Article

Scholarships for Black & African American Students |
Link to Article

The Value of Diversity in the Workplace | Link to Article

45+ College Scholarships for Minority Students |
Link to Article

It's time for a little R&R | LinkedIn DEI Newsletter

DEI for Business Blog | Link to Blog

DEI Strategy Assessment | Link to resource

Brave Leadership is a Choice | Link to Book

GARE's Racial Equity Toolkit | Link to Guide


Free Webinar Recordings and Slides from Nonprofit Learning Lab

Recent Trainings to Download

  • Diversity is Not a Quota | Alpha Beta Creatives

  • Website Accessibility for Nonprofits: Your Legal Requirements & How To Develop A Culture of Accessibility 

  • IN*clude Us: Designing LGBTQ+ Inclusive Forms 

  • Bursting the Board Bubble Diversifying Your Board of Directors 

  • Social Media for All of Us: Making Content Inclusive and Accessible 

  • Equity vs. Equality

  • Diversity in Recruiting for Your (Paid) Internship Program

  • How to Promote Inclusion While Working at Home

*These slides, recordings and materials are people's work. Do not just replicate or post these above slides on your website. If you want to follow up with a trainer please feel free to do so. 

Image by Brittani Burns

Upcoming Free Webinars

Making Your Nonprofit's Website More Accessible and Inclusive

The Quiet Inequity: Disability Discrimination and Ableism in the Nonprofit

How to Be An Inclusive and Inspiring Leader

Centering Community with Artificial Intelligence

Navigating Sustainable DEI Strategy Implementation

hands coming together

Train the Trainers Workshop:
Engage, Design and Inclusion

Effective Staff Supervision:
How to be a Better Supervisor

Craft A Communications Calendar: Email, Direct Mail & Social

Trauma Informed Facilitation: Incorporating TI Practices in Group Conversations & Training

Program Management and Scaling: How to Manage & Scale Programs To Reach Your Goals

Managing Projects from Start to Finish

Check out 20+ podcasts that intersect with topics on diversity, equity & inclusion

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