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Fundraising, Marketing, IT, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Participate live to ask questions and learn from our expert speakers.

From the Ground Up: How to Advance DEI in Any Organization

Aug 6, 2024

9:00 am PT


12:00 pm ET

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re looking for some help and direction, there are a few key ways to ensure your approach to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion will create sustainable and lasting impact. In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn which factors to consider and what challenges to anticipate when developing and implementing a DEI strategy. We'll explore a framework for assessing which stage of DEI development your organization is at and you'll walk away with practical tips and tools for building an organization that centers equity and its people.

Natalie Rodgers | The Acacia Company

Why Retention & Succession Belong in your Strategic Plan

Aug 12, 2024

8:00 am PT


11:00 am ET

Agreeing on and implementing strategies to equitably address retention and succession of paid staff members and volunteers is one of the most pressing issues facing nonprofit organizations. Yet our people too often do not receive the same attention as funding and finances. This session argues for including retention and succession towards both better delivery of mission and long-term sustainability and provides examples of these strategies.

Julia Burns | Clarity Transitions

Identifying and Filling Data Gaps to Tell Your Full Story

Aug 19, 2024

8:00 am PT


11:00 am ET

Have you ever felt like your data tells only part of your story, or you have lots of disparate data points and are struggling to put them all together? This session will give you A Plan To Plan: you will walk away with a facilitator agenda to identify what you know, where you have data gaps, and how you will fill them.

Kayla Meyers | Kayla Meyers Consulting LLC in partnership with Consultants for Good (C4G)

Practical Steps to Organizational Development

Sep 4, 2024

8:00 am PT


11:00 am ET

The workshop is designed to provide a broad overview of the knowledge and tools available to build an operational structure that enables nonprofit and social impact organizations to strengthen sustainability and improve flexibility to internal and external changes. The workshop includes practical approaches to gain a comprehensive understanding of existing activities and resources that may be sources of challenges but also insights into unexplored opportunities to create consistency with the agility of how organizations do things to be effective with their programs. It also explores realistic approaches to identify and adopt innovative ways to address challenges and explore opportunities that allow organizations to empower people within organizations while building data-informed and evidence-based decisions.

Jessie Lee | Better Future Strategies, in partnership with Consultants for Good (C4G)

Captivating Canva Graphics: Unlock the Power of Design Principles

Sep 16, 2024

8:00 am PT


11:00 am ET

Nonprofit communications and marketing professionals often juggle many tasks, including ad hoc Canva design. By understanding design best practices, you can create more effective Canva graphics—and stay on-brand. Learn the four key design principles (layout, color, typography, imagery) as well as sources for high-quality graphics. Basic Canva knowledge is helpful but not required.

Lidia Varesco Racoma | Lidia Varesco Design

Crafting Year-End Donor Engagement Surveys

Sep 25, 2024

9:00 am PT


12:00 pm ET

Want to prepare for the year end’s fundraising meaningfully? Then listen to what your donors have to say. Join this session to enhance your donor survey strategy, focusing on inclusion. Learn how to create surveys that authentically capture diverse perspectives and ensure accessibility. You then build knowledge and tools to deepen donor relationships, personalize communications, and fuel your mission. Whether you are doing a survey for the first time or planning to re-use an old one, this session is suitable for all. Register now to secure your spot and build a donor survey strategy rooted in inclusivity. Participants will explore harms of data collection, best practices of equitable and inclusive surveys, and five must-ask questions to include in your next donor survey.

Meena Das | Namaste Data

What is my Theory of Change?

Oct 28, 2024

8:00 am PT


11:00 am ET

How do you know that your organization is having an impact? Join us for this presentation about the linchpin of your performance measurement arsenal: the Theory of Change. You'll learn what it is (and is not!), how and why it inspires funders, staff and other stakeholders, and about the tools and insights that link your strategies with outcomes, making your organization's agenda for social impact clear and accessible.

Lisa Gale | LVG Strategy Group, in partnership with Consultants for Good (C4G)


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