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February Workshop Round-Up

Updated: May 8

Happy February! Below we have provided a list of workshops we’re offering this month at the Nonprofit Learning Lab! To register and find out more about each workshop, click the workshop titles of your choice to head to the workshop page. 

Our memberships provide discounts to all our paid trainings - along with many other benefits. Learn more about our memberships here

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Stephanie Cory | Stephanie Cory Consulting

The board’s duty of loyalty reminds us that an organization’s interests should come before one’s own. What does this look like in the real world? Learn what constitutes a conflict of interest and how to best avoid perceived or actual conflicts before they become a challenge. Gain the confidence and knowledge to effectively manage conflicts of interest through education, policy, and practice. This webinar is applicable to board members and staff who work with nonprofit boards of directors.

Almost every Nonprofit organization has two superpowers. The first is the data that they have packed away in databases and spreadsheets, often collecting virtual dust on their servers. The second is the visual faculties of their donors, board members, and staff members. While most of us glaze over at the sight of a spreadsheet, humans are wired to process visual information at lightning speed. By showing data in engaging visual formats, we can conquer common nonprofit challenges. All attendees will also get a list of resources relevant to the webinar!

Betsy Block | B3 Coach

When you want to empower change on your team, you want to leverage the strengths of the whole team regardless of how they navigate change. This interactive workshop introduces a simple model of the three response styles to change. Once recognized, leaders can build stronger relationships on the team, and how to work with the advantages -- and challenges -- of each style. This will be an interactive, highly engaged workshop!

Leah Grobey & Chelsey Reichart | OnBoard

Administrators play a vital role in a nonprofit’s governance environment. Whether it’s creating and distributing board materials, coordinating meetings, recruiting new board members, or providing general support to the board, nonprofit admins are essential to the overall health of their organization’s governance. And since they manage so many processes before, during, and after meetings, admins can be uniquely empowered by modern governance tools like board management software. In this session, attendees will learn how this technology is designed to make life easier for admins, helping them move faster and work smarter. Join two nonprofit experts as they explore how board management software not only benefits administrators, but also injects simplicity and efficiency into a nonprofit’s entire governance environment.

Jami Yazdani | Yazdani Consulting

Are you concerned that there may be a gap between your nonprofit's strategic direction and what is actually happening across your organization? It can be challenging to ensure that your projects, programs, and initiatives are aligned with your strategic plan and other key organizational strategies. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the cause and impact of strategy gaps in nonprofits, along with a framework for assessing your nonprofit’s strategic alignment. We’ll cover simple techniques for creating alignment, including feasibility assessments and simple approval processes. We will also explore creating and implementing more aligned workflows. Join us and learn how to close your organization’s strategy gap!

This transformative workshop delves into the powerful combination of trauma-informed care and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices. Delving into the core principles of trauma-informed care, participants will gain a deep understanding of the impact of trauma on individuals and communities. Through an exploration of DEI, they will learn how to create safe and inclusive spaces that honor and respect diverse experiences and identities. By integrating these two approaches, this workshop equips attendees with the tools and knowledge to foster healing, resilience, and a sense of belonging for all

Tracy Kaufman | Candid

Seeking grants for your nonprofit? Get a detailed look at the most advanced search strategies to use in Foundation Directory, the most comprehensive grant research tool for fundraisers. Next, customize your approach to emphasize the fit with different funders. Learn how to use your GuideStar profile as a complement to your grant proposal, and how to edit your proposal to showcase the impact of your nonprofit’s work in the best possible light.

Kate Viana | Nontoxic Nonprofits

Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z: there are four generations in today's nonprofit workforce, and with such wildly varying communication styles and preferences in play, miscommunication is virtually inevitable - or is it? This workshop focuses on ways to address or eliminate common sources of friction, leverage the communication strengths of each generation, and set up your multigenerational team for healthier, more effective communication.

One of the most challenging aspects of creating and implementing an impactful campaign is finding ways to engage their target audience. When organizations identify strategies to connect with their audience, they can inspire and mobilize meaningful action. Combining appropriate theories and models along with your audience’s values will foster a connection with your audience and show them the action steps they should take. Learn the process of understanding what motivates your target audience and how to identify strategies that will motivate them. After this workshop, you will have the knowledge to create an effective marketing and communication strategy. This will help your organization to expand their reach and make your messaging more memorable.

Anne Hager | Fundraising Levers

Small teams, shoestring budgets, and ambitious targets - nonprofit fundraising can feel overwhelming. In this workshop, you'll learn a practical task prioritization framework to help you identify and focus on high-value fundraising tasks while delegating or streamlining lower-value tasks. This framework will empower you to make strategic decisions about where to invest your time and energy to maximize your organization's fundraising success.

Collecting and talking about impact can feel complicated, expensive, and overwhelming for nonprofit leaders. Data collection can get in the way of service provision, and dedicating the time and resources for program evaluation can feel impossible. Until recently, there has not been a straightforward, affordable, and sustainable strategy which even small nonprofits can use to track impact and tell powerful impact stories. This two-day series will introduce the ImpactStory™ Strategy as an accessible and actionable way to collect and use data to move people to action.

Ginny Waller | Waller Consulting

This session will help nonprofit leaders rebuild their boards into the governance models and fundraising machines they have only dreamed about. Former Executive Director turned consultant and trainer Ginny Waller will take you through the steps of identification, solicitation, and engagement of the “right” board members. If you are ready to make a practical plan to build a board of governance rockstars, this is the training for you!

Jamie Matusek | Bloom Communications

In working with nonprofits, we have found that leadership is extremely passionate about the organization’s mission and cause, but could often use additional support in running the operational side of the business. Additionally, nonprofits spend a lot of time planning PR and marketing strategies to reach external audiences, but it’s equally as important to effectively communicate with those inside your organization. In this webinar, we will explore the crucial role internal communications play in culture development. We will address how creating an internal communications strategy can promote transparency, build trust, increase employee/volunteer/donor engagement and productivity, and ultimately impact the bottom line. You will leave this workshop with practical tools and strategies to enhance internal communications within your organization.

We hope to see you at some of these great workshops! Use the code friend10 for a $10 discount!

Continuing Education Units Available: We offer continuing education units for our trainings through CFRE, ASAE, and SHRM.


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